来源:数字音视工程网 编辑:ann 2011-12-08 06:27:34 加入收藏
说到浮空投影,多半是应用在商品的展示,要不就是电影中的场景。这家名为 "崴擎科技" 的公司在 Computex 现场就展出名为 "HoloAD" 的 3D 全像技术,透过他们的装置,观众可以在各种视角看到产品的 3D 展示,是很有效果的宣传工具。
这一套器材架设很方便,只要准备几张2D图档,然后透过他们的软件转成 FLV 格式影片,就可以直接存到他们装置里(通过优盘或记忆卡)。不过这一套器材不便宜,至少人民币2万起跳,所以目前仍是以欧美市场为主力,台湾主推租赁服务。
This three-demensional holographic player is from InnoVision Labs' showroom. Branded "HoloAD", this device is a powerful advertising tool which provide 3D halographic product display for viewers from various angles.
This device is very to too operate: feed their software with some 2D images, it will be converted to a FLV formatted file waiting to be transferred to the device's own internal storage (via memory stick or memory card.) With a price tag starts from 100,000 NTD (around 3500USD), this device is not cheap, mainly marketed for US and European markets.