






PLAM 看:音响界世界级的团队太平宝迪

来源:数字音视工程网        编辑:ann    2013-06-09 09:13:36     加入收藏

——数字音视工程网PLAM EXPO 2013 现场对太平宝迪市场总监采访录

  “第二十二届中国国际专业音响·灯光·乐器及技术展览会(PLAM EXPO 2013,以下简称PALM2013)”已于6月7日在北京国际展览中心拉开了帷幕。中外演艺设备行业同仁将再次欢聚,共襄盛事。本届展览会由中国演艺设备技术协会联合新加坡国研会展有限公司、中国技术市场管理促进中心共同主办,北京演艺展业广告有限公司承办。

  PALM2013分中国音响灯光馆区、国际音响灯光馆区、乐器馆区、室外音响演示区、临建馆展览区和器乐竞赛区等五大区域,展览面积超过11万平方米。主要展品包括9个方面:1. 专业音响设备、系统及配件;2. 专业灯光设备、系统及配件;3. 舞台机械设备、装置、系统及技术;4.视频设备;5. 音频系统集成各种相关解决方案;6. 乐器及配件;7. 广播、内通、监控和后期制作设备及器材;8. 中外相关行业组织;9. 中外相关行业媒体。


  太平宝迪公司在本次行业盛会上将携手多个国际顶尖品牌参加本次展会,包括:Tannoy, LAB/Lake, Martin Audio, T.C electronic, AVID, VENUE, K&M, PreSonus, Lectrosonics, Needs, Sennheiser, Blue, Summit Audio, Manger。届时,北京太平宝迪将在展位E1馆C22为大家隆重推出最新Martin-Audio_MLA Mini。数字音视工程网在展会现场采访到太平宝迪市场总监Eric,太平宝迪市场总监Eric Boyer先生这样说,“PALM展会是我们这个行业中最重要的展会。本次聚会将广聚各行业精英与主流媒体,希望我们能与各界人士多多交流活动,共同探讨行业发展与未来!”

  1. 你当初是怎么进入专业音频行业的?

  1. How did you get into the professional audio industry?


  I did not choose pro audio. It chose me! I developed a childhood love of music about the same time I developed a love of machines. For me, it was a natural progression, learning to record music, learning to play music, and learning how to use technology to make it all work together.

  2. 你是因为什么机缘加入太平宝迪公司的?

  2. What makes you to join the Budee Company?


  I love the challenge of working in China as an American. Lucky for me, I have the best colleagues in the world and they have helped me in ways I cannot even measure. I am grateful to them for their assistance and support. And Mr. Mao Yanjun, our CEO and founder, has assembled the best professionals working in audio today. This is a really special team and I am proud to be a small part of it.


  3.What is advantage of Budee in professional audio industry?


  In short: our advantage is that we have irreplaceable technical team in domesticaudio industry. Our company has the top tuner of Master Wu and Mast Li in China. And we have Mr. Cheng Zhongjun, previous technical director of Hong Kong AnHeng which is the largest company of audio industry; his technical team has done projects successfully, e.g. China's most influential National Grand Theatre, Water Cube, Great Hall of The People, and National Convention Center. Now Mr. Cheng is the head of operation department in Budee Company. And Mr. Liu Zilin as chief sound man who was working in one of the most influential art performance company---China Oriental Song and Dance for more than 20 years, now he is acoustics chief engineer in Budee. Due to we have a proud of we have the top talents, and also a group of their excellent technical apprentices, thus we can earn the trust and gaining the long-term partnership by seeing today these numerous the international famous audio brand manufacturer. Once we have the perfect technical team support, then we can deliver as promised every time. Every customer is our most important customer. We have carefully assembled a brand portfolio that allows us to offer complete solutions right out of the box for projects of any size. And whether a hotel conference room, or a national football stadium, our professional staff exhibits all the care and concern our customers demand and expect. We take great pride in our work, and it shows!

  4. 你目前的工作任务是什么?可以简短描述你一天的工作吗?

  4. What is your current job? Can you express a short description for your daily work?


  As the company’s marketing director, I am really like an air traffic controller. I am responsible for insuring that our messaging is both effective in the Chinese market, but also consistent with the values and objectives of our business partners.

  5. 在加入太平宝迪公司之后,在市场营销方面,你遇到了什么挑战吗?你怎样应对这些挑战?

  5. After joining Budee Company, in the aspect of marketing, what are the challenges you encounter for marketing? And how do you cope with these challenges?


  For me, I think the biggest challenge is language—even with my private Chinese tutor, I am barely fluent! Fortunately, we have some excellent translators on our staff and they help me immensely. Well, that’s an understatement—I couldn’t do this job without them. Second, certainly has to be the subtle cultural differences between East and West. I have traveled a good bit of the world and one thing I’ve come to discover in my travels is that really, we are all much more alike that we are different as people. Basically we all want the same things: an enjoyable life, a nice environment to raise our children, etc.. But what sets us apart is the way our culture influences everything we do. And it is these subtle cues that really distinguish us, both in business, and in our personal lives. I am learning something new about Chinese culture every day and I love that! No book could ever teach you this stuff…

  6. 您作为一名外国人来中国做宝迪的市场总监,这对宝迪有什么好处?

  6. As a foreigner and marketing director, what would you bring to Budee?


  I think I bring a new set of eyes and ears to a mature, world-class team. I like to think I’ve helped the company “face the West” and have in the process learned a great deal about myself. Most of our vendors are based in the U.S., or in Western Europe, so I think they appreciate what I bring to the party. My goal is to really create a hybrid corporate identity for Budee—bringing together the best of my culture, and the best of my host country’s culture, while making sure that our output is relevant across national and cultural borders.


  7. After joined the Budee team, what do you think your greatest harvest? What do you like about this team?


  These are just great people. I love coming to work every day and greeting my colleagues in Chinese as they greet me in English. Every day presents a new challenge, and I like to think I’m up to it!

  8. 请你介绍一下太平宝迪公司此次参展的亮点产品。在这次展会上,太平宝迪公司为我们带来了什么样的新产品和新技术?

  8. Would you please introduce the spotlights of products for this show? In this exhibition, what kind of new products and new technologies does Budee bring to us?


  Martin-Audio_MLA Mini

  Martin-Audio MLA Mini是基于市场上对超紧凑轻型音箱需求而推出的一款新产品。MLA Mini适用于对音频清晰度、一致性及控制力有极高要求的众多小规模便携安装应用场所。

  Due to its ultra-compact footprint, light weight and some radical design inspiration, Martin Audio’s new MLA Mini — which has its world premier at this month’s Prolight+Sound Show in Frankfurt — will be able to share the award-winning and revolutionary MLA technology across a far wider range of smaller-scale portable and installed sound applications requiring the ultimate in fidelity, consistency and control.


  系统架构设计着眼未来,提供众多现场扩声专家仰赖的性能、音质和功能。 模块化的Avid S3L 系统由以下各部分构成:高性能HDX 处理引擎(运行AAX 插件)、可扩展远程I/O(可置于舞台上或机架中)以及紧凑的可调头控制界面(携带方便,也适合在工作室使用)。

  拥有容错能力的千兆位以太网络可连接所有设备,它利用开放式以太网AVB 和EUCON 标准提供最佳性能和灵活性。屡获殊荣的VENUE 软件为系统提供支持,它不仅拥有“虚拟试音”功能,而且还直接集成了Pro Tools,轻松便可再现工作室级音质,便捷前所未有。


  Get the performance, sound quality, and features that countless live sound professionals have come to rely on in a system architecture that’s built for the future. The modular Avid S3L System is comprised of a high-performance HDX-powered processing engine running AAX plug-ins, scalable remote I/O that can live on stage or in a rack, and a head-turning, compact control surface that’s built for the road, but equally at home in the studio.

  A fault-tolerant Gigabit Ethernet network connects all devices and uses the open Ethernet AVB and EUCON standards for maximum performance and flexibility. Award-winning VENUE software drives the system, and with Virtual Soundcheck and direct Pro Tools integration, re-creating the sound of the studio has never been easier—or more accessible.

  9. What resources dose Budee supports the solutions and experience areas in the booth?



  The product of Business & Conference solution includes: TANNOY,Martin-Audio,LAB.GRUPPEN,Lectrosonics和Neets.


  The product of Performance solution includes: Martin-Audio,AVID,LAB,Sennheiser和K&M.


  The product of Recording solution includes: Avid,t.c.electronic,Summit,TANNOY,Manger和BLUE.

  高端视听室对应品牌产品包括:TANNOY, LAB.GRUPPEN, Neets。

  The product of high-end AV home theater includes: TANNOY, LAB.GRUPPEN, Neets.


  The product of KTV room includes: TANNOY,LAB.GRUPPEN,PreSonus,Summit,Lake,t.c.electronic,Sennheiser,Avid和K&M.

  10. PALM exhibition is the top show in China professional audio market. During PALM, Budee has three theme’s solutions: Business & Conference, Performance, and Recording. Two experience areas: high-end AV home theater and KTV room. How does Budee divide Chinese professional audio market?

  10. 太平宝迪展位上会有三个主题:商用及会议解决方案、演出解决方案、录音解决方案;两大体验区:高端视听室和KTV。宝迪是如何划分中国专业音频应用市场的?


  The market was divided by three ways:


  太平宝迪是通过我们所提供的音视频解决方案和代理产品业务去划分市场的。比如说我们的音视频解决方案涉及扩声系统、中控系统、安防系统、会议系统、广播系统及个人录音制作、广电、演出等一系列与之相关的业务。另外宝迪拥有广博全面的产品线,这同时也支持了宝迪一站式整合解决方案。如今公司已成为丹麦TCGI集团旗下TC ELECTRONIC, TANNOY, LAB GRUPPEN & LAKE,美国LOUD集团旗下Martin Audio(Cinema and Black line系列除外)等多个国际顶级品牌的中港澳总代理。同时也是BOSCH COMMUNICATION & SECURITY, AVID, BLUE, PRESONUS 及K&M等品牌的核心代理商。

  Product Positioning

  Beijing Pacific Budee Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Budee) dividedthe Chinese market by audio & video solutions and products, e.g. Budee’s solution covers sound reinforcement systems, central control systems, security systems, conference systems, broadcasting & personal studio systems, radio film & television industry, and touring sound systems etc. Budee has a full line of audio products to bring unparalleled experience and one-stop integrated solution to customers. Nowadays the company has become the sole distributor for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau of a variety of international top brands, such as TC ELECTRONIC, TANNOY, LAB GRUPPEN & LAKE, which are managed by TC Group International A/S and Martin Audio (Cinema and Black Line Series excluded ) which is under the management of LOUD Technologies Inc. of America. Budee is also the core distributor of BOSCH COMMUNICATION & SECURITY, AVID, BLUE, PRESONUS and K&M, etc.



  Consumer Positioning

  In addition, Budee is through a specific user market positioning to service various fields: government institutions, education institutions, arts center, factories and enterprises, theaters, concerts, broadcasting and TV stations, stadiums, convention & exhibition centers, hotels, entertainment and tour & rental companies, professional sound-recording studios and top grade office buildings etc.




  The difference between Budee and other competitors is management philosophy: "only through the perfect service to create successful future", as well as Budee’s slogan "Never Compromise" of enterprise culture, Budee Company wants to provide the best customer service quality and being highly responsibility attitude of enterprise, through continuous learning and self-improvement, Budee Company reform and innovate business model and corporate culture continuously, this is the foundation for company growth.

  11. Would Budee like to focus on products sales or solution sales? Or both? Is Budee also a system integrator?

  11. 宝迪是以产品销售为主还是以解决方案组合为主,或两者都是?是否也做集成?


  Beijing Pacific Budee Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Budee) was founded in 2002 and is active in providing audio & video solutions and products to clients, which covers sound reinforcement systems, central control systems, security systems, conference systems, broadcasting & personal studio systems, radio film & television industry, and touring sound systems etc. Budee has a full line of audio products to bring unparalleled experience and one-stop integrated solution to customers.


  12. Budee was founded in 2002, it has 11 years of business development history, for this decades, what are typical cases were created by Budee? Which areas does Budee’s product usually use to?


  The case we have done before such as: the ministry of commerce, Tianjin Davos conference center, Ningbo administration center, Changbai mountain grand theatre, Beijing news plaza, Shanghai jazz festival, Wanda group (hotels, high-end clubs, big star KTV chain), Chinese architecture research and design institute, Shanghai peninsula, Ningbo Kaiyun, the peninsula Hong Kong, Macao Venetian hotel, 2008 Olympic triathlon sports, Beijing Opera college recording studio and so on. Service fields such as: hotel, conference center, performance, theater, stadium, recording, etc.


  13. As an international acoustics product distributor, how does Budee company occupied China market successfully?


  Our agent is the first-class international brands which we have been distributed for a very long time, Beijing Pacific Budee Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Budee) was founded in 2002 and is active in providing audio & video solutions and products to clients, which covers sound reinforcement systems, central control systems, security systems, conference systems, broadcasting & personal studio systems, radio film & television industry, and touring sound systems etc. Budee has a full line of audio products to bring unparalleled experience and one-stop integrated solution to customers.

  Under the joint efforts of all the employees, the company completed the sales tasks ahead of schedule, thus won the trust and recognition by the manufacturer. Over the years, Budee persist No.1 solution service, deepening the market, understanding & analysis the market demand, and continue to cooperate with the international famous brands, successfully solution application in different fields. Believing continue efforts by our senior management team, elite sales team, strong technical team and innovative marketing team, Budee company’s service idea of “providing the most professional and satisfactory one stop service for customers" will get more recognition from customers and manufacturers, also can attracting more media attention and gaining more elite’s reputation in the industry.


  14. What is kind of company culture Budee has? And how does Budee build this kind of corporate culture?

  太平宝迪的企业文化实际上是以宝迪的核心价值观作为基础建立起来的,太平宝迪的核心价值观,首先是尊重(Respect)我们是以客为尊,永远把客户的利益放在第一位去考虑,我们宝迪有一句口号,叫做“永不妥协(Never Compromise)”,这里指的就是我们严格执行宝迪的行业服务标准,永远不对劣质产品和低质量服务进行妥协。客户永远是最重要的那一个人,因为宝迪希望所有的客户都能享受到同等的金牌服务。另外我们宝迪追求的是长期的共同发展,这就是为什么我们尊重客户视它们为伙伴和朋友。我们的尊重不仅仅体现在外部客户上。我们把我们公司内部员工也看作是我们的客户,我们互相关爱,彼此尊重对方,宝迪其实就是一个幸福的大家庭。我们尊重我们员工,我们的员工同样也尊重我们的客户。这样和谐的气氛就是宝迪的企业文化,同样我们也迎合了现在中国社会提倡的和谐社会原则。

  Budee corporate culture is actually set up by company basic core values. The first Budee core values is RESPECT, we respect our customers, always put the interests of customers as the first consideration, Budee has a slogan which is called "Never Compromise", it means that we strictly enforce Budee’s industry service standards, Never Compromise with low quality products and poor services. Customers are always the most important people, because Budee hopes that all customers can enjoy the same gold medal service. Additionally, Budee pursues long-term partnership that is why we respect customers regard them as partners and friends. Our respect is not only embodying for external customers. We regard company internal staff as our customers either, we care with each others, we respect with each others. Budee is a happy family. We respect our employees, and then our staff is also respecting our customers. Such a harmonious atmosphere is the enterprise culture of Budee. And also Budee company culture caters the Chinese society for the principles of harmonious society advocated by Chinese government.


  The second core value is PROFESSIONALISM. Budee advocates the slogan of "Not learning anything, being bullied everyday", this slogan is always inspiring employees to learn the most advanced technology knowledge, encouraging employees to be creative, and providing customers with the most appropriate solution. Encouraging innovation is a cornerstone of Budee development, if there is no encouraging innovation that will be no longer development for Budee. And if there is no encouraging innovation, Budee won't have high-speed growth.


  The third value is called PERSEVERANCE, trying to maintain the best quality of service first. Budee as a platform for providing solutions, we are not only pursuing of customers profit, the most important thing is that we need to take the social responsibility for what the project we did. We cannot provide the solution, not because it has a high profit. But we also have to think more about customers’ benefit, and also considering whether it will cause serious environmental pollution. All of matters should be considered by decision makers.


  What is Budee corporate culture, I think it is respect for our customer and our employees, also working persistent, and attitude is everything. Now we are a young team, so we hope that our young teams unleash their innovation ability. When you work in the company, you will find that you have passionate to work, not purely for a job.



