经销商 | 联系方式 | 价格 |
巴可BARCO | 400-000-9370、400-882-2726、010-80101166 | 面议 |
Static pictures are very often shown on large screen projectors, especially in process control, public address information boards and presentation applications. Due to the fact that the same picture information is shown for a long period on the same place, picture tubes can be damaged by 'local burn-in' of the phosfor.
A typical use in process control is illustrated above. To prolong the life-time of picture tubes, Barco has designed a special Orbiting circuitry which moves the picture very slowly around a predefined screen area. The Orbiting circuitry has been designed using a very long cycle time to make the movement of the projected image imperceptible.
The Orbiting Circuitry can be used for a stand-alone projector or where projectors are linked together to form one picture. This Orbiting Circuitry is compatible with all 700, 800 and 1200 series projectors.
功能 Features
Avoids expensive CRT damage
Complete cycle time of 10 minutes
Adjustable deviation
Second RGB analog input no longer available
Linkable to other computers
BV701 with software version 2 or higher
BD701 with software version 2 or higher
800 series with software version 4 or higher
1200 series with software version 3.09 or higher
BD1101 with software version 4 or higher
BG1208 with software version 4 or higher
BV1600 with software version 4 or higher
1209 series
808 series
1609 series
1109 series