经销商 | 联系方式 | 价格 |
巴可BARCO | 400-000-9370、400-882-2726、010-80101166 | 面议 |
原生 4K,处理速度高达 240Hz,专为 NVG 培训的投影机
原生 4K,处理速度高达 240Hz,专为 NVG 培训的投影机
For more information on availability, please contact your Barco sales representative.
FS400-N4K 是一款真正的固态激光投影机,专为模拟和培训市场打造。FS400-N4K 是一款坐拥原生 4K 分辨率和高达 240Hz 处理速度的投影机,不仅能将细节展现到极致,还能让您体验极速响应,是所有模拟环境的理想伴侣。FS400-N4K 的 F400-N4K 固态 RGB 光引擎增加了一个专用的红外光源,其红外光强度比以前的型号高 6 倍以上,允许单独控制可见光和红外光强度。
High resolution and extreme speed
FS400-N4K 是巴可首款单芯片 DLP 原生 4K (4,096 x 2,176) 投影机。Using built-in or external pixel-shift, the dynamic resolution can be raised to way beyond 4K, to 6K and 8K.In this way, you can project larger screens without losing any detail, further expanding the freedom of the simulation system designers.
FS400-N4K 拥有 4K 分辨率,处理速度高达 240 Hz,即便是在迅速移动的场景中也能栩栩如生地呈现所有细节。This extreme performance never comes at a cost of the image quality, which follows the high-speed scenario perfectly, with very low latency.This makes the projector a brilliant match for even the most demanding applications, including fast jet or racing simulators.
Designed to perform - in all circumstances
此外,FS400-N4K 以下一代 巴可 Pulse 专有的 电子元件为依托,其强大灵活的软件架构可以让您以极低延迟一键完成各种高级复杂的处理操作。This is a huge advantage in the real-time processing environment of most simulator systems today.此外,我们的巴可 Pulse API 可让合作伙伴集成定制管理工具和增值功能,进一步完善投影机的软件。
Motion platforms, with their rapid sudden movements, are challenging environments for projectors.FS400-N4K 是一款真正的固态产品,这意味着没有像彩色轮或鳞粉色轮这样的移动部件,经过充分评估,可耐冲击和振动。FS400-N4K 电子元件、硬件和软件均以独特的 H 型铝制骨架为核心搭建,坚硬度重量比得到进一步优化,可为您打造坚如磐石的平台。Optional accessories are also available designed to support the lens on motion-based simulators contributing to even higher image robustness.